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Exclusion, Isolation, Gossiping, Labeling, Shaming, Teasing, Rejection and Bullying hurt. SUPERB is here to help! If you need help or know someone who does, this app is for you.

If you do nothing else, download this app so you know that you are once click away from safety with our “call the police” function. You or someone else will get help and no one will know that you requested it.

Resolve Bullying and ResolveBullying.Org are based on the SUPERB model making it a safe, comprehensive space for teachers, parents and students to learn and share. Here you will find proven tools and techniques to resolve bullying. You will also find real stories about real events as well as all that you need to bring SUPERB to your community. Most importantly, you can chat with trained, licensed professionals who are ready to help you, your family and your school.

3.2 million students are bullied every year. In fact, 160,000 skip school every single day just so they won’t have to deal with it. The threat of physical violence does wane after middle school but verbal assaults remain constant from kindergarten until graduation. Today, both kids and adults live in a world of 24/7 connectivity. If that connection centers on gossip, rumors, teasing, shaming, labeling, rejection, excluding, isolating or bullying, it will eventually lead to long lasting physical and emotional damage. But there is help. Right here. Right now.